VWR Healthcare Clinical Catalog 2012-2014 - page 135 Acrodisc ® Sterile Syringe Filters, Pall ® Life Sciences These 25mm filters are ideal for scale up. Filters feature a polypropylene housing and a choice of four membrane types to
Membrane disc filters, Supor® PES. Supplier: Pall Laboratory. Description: Hydrophilic PES Supor® membrane for reduced filtration time, optimised for biological, pharmaceutical and sterilising filtration requirements. Sale. ,514-4165EA,514-4151EA,516-7933EA,514
Hydrophobic PTFE membrane filters are chemically stable and inert, making them suitable for use with aggressive organic solvents, strong acids and alkalis.VWR har ett brett sortiment inom filterpapper, membranfilter, sprutfilter, glasfiberfilter, kvalitativa och kvantitativa filterpapper. Filtren finns i olika storlekar och former, t.ex runda eller fyrkantiga, veckade eller släta.
VWR® Syringe Filters. Supplier: VWR International. Description: Polypropylene, nylon, and PTFE membranes are ideal for sample preparation and small volume chemical filtration. Certificates. ,28145-477CS,28145-483CS,28145-503CS,28145-501CS,28145-491CS,28145-475CS,28145-479CS.
The next generation of universal hydrophilic PTFE membrane with maximum chemical compatibility when filtering both aqueous solutions and aggressive solvents.Membraanisuodattimet tunnetaan myös nimellä kalvosuodattimet ja niitä käytetään laajasti erilaisiin suodatussovelluksiin kuten veden puhtauden määrityksiin. Membraanisuodatus voi olla myös keino liuoksen steriloimiseen
Membrane filter funnels successfully extract particulates from fluids prior to electron or light microscopy procedures. These devices that allow this microbiological elution, concentrate the fine particles on standard filter paper while simultaneously purifying the filtrates.
Available with either PP, PTFE or nylon membrane. Membranes are available in either 0,2 or 0,45 µm pore size, with the choice often made on analytical column packing size. If the column packing size is larger than 3 μm then use 0,45 μm, and if 3 μm or smaller then use 0,2 μm.VWR har ett brett sortiment inom filterpapper, membranfilter, sprutfilter, glasfiberfilter, kvalitativa och
One of the major applications for the PTFE membrane is the clarification of corrosives, solvents and aggressive fluids. This includes the important requirement in HPLC analysis for sample filtration where any solid particles can cause permanent damage to the column.
Membrane Filters, PTFE, TE Range, Whatman Application: Other organic or inorganic chemicals Highlight 1: Increased durability for aggressive testing envirnments Highlight 2: High chemical compatibility Type of filter: TE PTFE Filter Type: PTFE MEMBRANE